
Tuesday 2 July 2013

5 Steps to Wellness - Step 4 (Cleansing)

                           Did you know that your exterior is a mirror of your interior? 
    The cleaner you are on the inside, the outside will reflect it in beauty and radiance.

Everything in life requires cleaning. Your vehicle, your house, your desk and the outside of your body. Most people shower every day to avoid appearing and smelling unattractive or unclean, but how many have ever considered cleaning the inside of the body? A person with an office job might not get visibly "dirty" during a days work, but they still tend to shower every day because skin cells die every day. 

If you have read any of the information on this blog you know that animal products, refined products and nutritionally void products are at best of little use, at worst harmful. If you had useless or harmful things in your car, your house or your desk, would you dispose of them? Sure you would. Most of this junk food comes in pretty packages filled with chemicals that make them taste the way we want them to, but that doesn't make them good for the body. The fact is, the body considers them waste, or junk and it needs to get rid of it. If the body cannot eliminate the accumulated waste, the waste slowly moves into organs of the body and create dysfunction and finally disease. In addition, this waste creates a perfect host for the toxins discussed in Step #5.

One of the ways our recommended weight loss supplement, Skinny Fiber, helps you is by absorbing the poisons and toxins that have accumulated in the body (especially the intestines) and eliminate them through bowel movements This doesn't mean diarrhea. When you have normal bowel movement, the toxins get eliminated). Enemas and colonic are good but they cleanse the lower end of the intestine, not the entire part. 

It is impossible to achieve health of any kind if the body is full of old waste material. Don't settle for bathing the exterior of the body alone, cleanse the inside as well. You will feel cleaner, happier, healthier and people will begin to notice that you generally look better (not to mention the amount of weight that is lost by moving pounds of old sludge out of the intestines).

The different kinds of cleansing that can be done at home include:

  • Liver/Gallstone Cleanse
  • Kidney Cleanse
  • The Lemonade Master Cleanse
  • Oil Pulling Therapy
  • Enemas
  • Colon Clease w/ Water Flush
  • Colemas (home colonics)
  • Fasting
  • Additional Cleansing Therapies

Culled: HCMI

If you have read the 5 Steps to Wellness Series up to this point, that means you are concerned and interested in improving your overall state of health. Watch out for Step #5 to, the concluding part of this series. My next post after this series will be on Colon Cleanse - home-based tips you can do to improve colon health. Enjoy the read.

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