1. Treating Depression – Avoid Junk Food, Fast Food, and Processed Food
It may or may not be surprising, but junk food has actually been linked to depression. Both junk food and fast food (if there is really a difference) consumption sparks depression. Sugary sodas, high-fructose corn syrup, and again, processed foods, also contribute to depression by causing ill health effects. These effects lead to obesity, diabetes, numerous other health problems, and eventually to feelings of self-pity and depression due to feeling physically weak.
2. Expose Yourself to more Sunlight, Up Vitamin D3 Intake
You’ve probably heard it before: if you’re feeling depressed, get some mood-uplifting sun exposure. Well, this advice actually holds true for multiple reasons. There are a multitude of studies that have found an association between vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of depression. Further, increasing vitamin D was found to reduce depression risk specifically.
3. Don’t Drink Diet Soda
Similar to findings linking processed foods with depression, research has also found a link between diet soda consumption and depression. A recent study by the National Institutes of Health found that 31% of individuals consuming 4+ daily servings of artificially sweetened soda, iced tea, or fruit drinks had been diagnosed with depression. This compares to 22% of regular soda drinkers reporting a diagnosis of depression. Further, those drinking 4 or more cups of coffee per day were 10% less likely to suffer from depression than non-coffee drinkers.
4. Consider Throwing Away the Antidepressants
Some individuals taking antidepressants view the medication as a life-saver, but these pharmaceuticals often have no positive effect. In fact, research has shown that a simple placebo can match antidepressants. A placebo is almost always nearly as effective. The best part? No negative side-effects.
5. Stop Ingesting so much Fluoride
Seeing as fluoride can lower IQ, cause cancer, damage the thyroid and pineal gland, and even up heart disease risk, is it any surprise that the toxic chemical can cause depression?
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