
Monday 1 July 2013

5 Steps to Wellness - Step 1 (Nutrition)

Nutrition is the most basic element of health, yet most diets are either lacking in balanced nutrition or many of the essential nutrients are destroyed in cooking/preparation. Science tells us that a pregnant woman needs nutrition to form a healthy baby. If the mother is deficient in certain nutrients, the baby may not develop properly. The body is a living organism during the time inside the womb and during the rest of life. If nutritional balance is required to create a healthy baby, it is only logical that nutritional balance would be required to maintain a health body.

The first and most basic step to getting well or staying well is to make sure the body has adequate amounts of nutrition. The body uses nutritional elements to complete every task there is to perform in the body. Nutrition is used to produce antibodies to allergens, to digest food, create energy, make hormones and generally perform every action and function in the body. Nutrition is required to keep the heart pumping, to fire brain cells, grow hair and make babies. It is required to build or maintain a strong immune system as well as detoxify the body of the harmful poisons we are exposed to every day in the foods we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Nutrition is even linked to the correction of psychological disorders.

Nutrition should be considered the fuel the body uses to complete each and every action and function in the body. If you don’t feel good, if you are sick or if you have a disease of any kind, you can safely assume there is a nutritional imbalance. Some experts believe that if the body were nutritionally balanced it would never become sick or diseased. Regardless of what you choose to believe, the fact remains that no healing can occur in the body without the proper nutrients. Nutrition is required to rejuvenate new, healthy tissues. Nutrients are the tools needed to create healthy cells and strong DNA.

Culled from TBA.

In the next post, we will discuss about digestion. Enjoy the read.

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