
Monday 1 July 2013

5 Steps to Wellness - Step 3 (Elimination)

If the body cannot eliminate waste normally, that waste will eventually accumulate into all areas of the body and be used as host material for the toxins listed in step #5. Elimination of waste is very important to health. Waste is created during the digestive process and the metabolic process, not to mention waste formed from all the foods we eat. Waste is also created when toxins accumulate and interfere with normal cellular functions. In today's society, with today's habits, normal waste is produced faster than the body can eliminate it.

When I talk about elimination, I am referring to bowel health. I don't want to say bowel movements because everyone thinks they are normal. That cannot be the case since colon cancer is the number one killer disease.

It has been stated that if the bowels eliminated all the waste material it received, the body would never have any pain, sickness or disease (Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, by Bernard Jensen). In this light, how many people have a healthy bowel? Keep in mind that healthy does not mean a bowel movement every morning, it doesn't even mean several bowel movements. The word "regular" means at least one bowel movement for each meal eaten, but even this rate of movement does not indicate "healthy" elimination. Just because the bowels are moving does not mean the bowels are releasing or dumping all the toxins accumulated in there.

According to Bernard Jensen's research, if the bowels eliminated properly and the environment of the intestine remained healthy (sufficient fiber, water and exercise), there would be little or no disease. The main cause of ageing is actually an excessive amount of toxins that accumulate and begin to stifle cellular regeneration. Many people believe acidophilus (also known as flora or good bacteria) to be of main importance to colon health and while it is extremely important (and included in step #4) flora will naturally replicate and be healthy if the environment of the intestine is good. 

Many people suffer with yeast or candida infections and most of that is what we call Opportunistic yeast. That means that it is fungus that is supposed to be in the large intestine as acidophilus. When the environment of the colon gets bad, these little guys leave the area. When they do this, they cause infection known as candida. So the greatest fix for most candida is actually bowel health.

Modern medicine has found that by the age of 50, the average person has accumulated 50 pounds of sludge in the large intestine. This is due to a lack of stimulation in the intestine. We have seen countless people increase energy and stamina and loose much of their belly weight and fat simply because they got rid of the extra sludge in the intestine. If you think about it, most people gain their weight around the waist and while people tend to think it is fat, much of it is nothing more than backed up waste that never found its way out of the intestine. The body knows that too many toxins will damage tissues, so it will begin to store extra toxins as fat and even tumors. If the environment of the intestine becomes healthy, much of that fat and misc growths just disappear into the toilet. All the extra toxins in the blood put extra stress on the liver, kidney and spleen, and keep the lymphatic system from draining. The lungs also suffer as they are the paired organ to the colon (five element theory).

It is important, no, it is vital, that your intestines are moving on a regular basis, which means at least once for every meal eaten, and that all the waste is exiting the body. Technically speaking, 95% of the food you eat should be coming out of the body. The 5% that is left is supposed to be the nutrition the body extracts from the food as it passes through the intestine. Of course, in today’s world, it is doubtful that 5% of what we eat is nutritious. Maybe fillers, colors, dyes and pesticides, but I doubt 5% of it is actually nutrition unless your diet is made primarily of fruits, vegetables and grains, so maybe we should expect more than the 95%. If any part of elimination is not functioning well, the body cannot detoxify and detoxification (step #5) is probably the single most important precursor to achieving true health.

Culled from HCMI

Watch out for Step #4. Healthy living is a process. Read on

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