
Thursday 17 July 2014

I'm A Believer in TRIMDown Fiber Plus

Received on July 15, 2014 by Chantel Bernal

So I had weighed myself on Sunday and was totally bummed because I gained a pound instead of losing. I did get my monthly last week right in the middle of my first week with TRIMdown Fiber Plus. So I was a little annoyed. I did lose 1 inch tho, which made me happy. So today, since all that is over I decided to step on the scale because everyone is losing weight on TDFP and I feel like I'm losing consistently. So now only 2 days later, I lost 2 pounds!!!!! OMG now that put a big fat smile on my face and I'm down a total of 8 pounds!!! (2 lbs in 9 days with TDFP, the other 6 from my new weight loss plan).  My actual 14 day weigh in is not until Sunday, but I just had to do a sneak peek, I couldn't take it.

So here is how I feel:

★ All Day Energy
★ Sleeping better
★ I noticed my knees don't hurt as much (arthritis)
★ I eat less and feel full quicker / longer
★ NO Jitters
★ NO cravings (I actually handled my PMS cravings much better!!)
★ NO gas, bloating or stomach pain.
★ NO detox symptoms
★ OVERALL I FEEL GREAT! I'm very happy with TDFP.

This was my final stop for weight loss as my doctor told me I was a prime candidate for weight loss surgery!!!! My hubby doesn't want me to go that drastic, but if didn't work I was pondering over it. This is only the beginning, but it is so nice to see results immediately instead of having to wait 2 or 4 weeks or more and get nothing.  I'm very excited to be a part of this company and being able to provide a product that actually delivers what it promises!  I'm a believer! - Chantel Bernal

Tuesday 3 June 2014

June Incentive - Slim and Sassy Collection

June Incentives!

Not sure your body is exactly where you want it?

The new Slim and Sassy Wrap!

If you haven’t seen the Slim and Sassy line from doTerra, you need to check it out right this very second. This line of proprietary oils boost your metabolism, detox your system and will work with your body naturally to lose weight and accomplish your weight goals.  Slimmer waistline, here I come!

I love this product so much, I’m giving it away from FREE when you enroll as Wellness Advocate with doTerra!

I’m working on getting an online registration form in place in the next day or two!
Enroll with the Natural Solutions Kit, my gift to you will be the Slim & Sassy Essential Oil and Soft Gels (and a bottle of Breathe and On Guard just because I love you and don’t want you sick this summer).
Upgrade to the Premium Oil Kit, and I’ll send you ALL the oils for the Slim and Sassy Wrap.
doTerra slim and sassy oils - @HayleyHobson - health coach, essential oil expert
For those of you who sign up with the Diamond Kit, I’ll send you the Slim and Sassy Wrap Kit AND the Skin Care System.  You can’t beat this!  Are you ready?

Slim and Sassy Body Wrap

Body wraps are a big trend right now. Remember, what you put ON your skin, goes right in your body. It’s a great way to super charge results especially just before a big event.

Worried about the dreaded “back fat” in your strapless bridesmaid gown?

Want a little less thigh giggle for a big beach date?

A wrap is a great short term solution! Now, as a health coach, I want to remind you that a body wrap is no substitute for good nutrition and exercise but a body wrap is great way to pamper yourself and see quick results. Here’s my favorite slimming body wrap.

How to: lose 1-3 inches with a doTerra Slim and Sassy Wrap - @HayleyHobson - health coach, essential oil expert

What you need:

  • 40 drops Slim & Sassy
  • 15 drops Eucalyptus
  • 15 drops Wintergreen
  • 10 drops Peppermint
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Grapefruit
  • 5 drops Cypress
  • 4 oz. of fractionated coconut oil
  • 4 oz. glass spray bottle
  • Plastic wrap

What you do:

Take your measurements before wrapping! Add the required drops to a glass spay bottle. Fill to the top with fractionated coconut oil.

Spray the Slim & Sassy Wrap Solution on to your target area (tummy, thighs, butt).

Cover area with 3 to 4 layers of plastic wrap. Don’t wrap too tightly!

Get comfy! Leave the wrap on for 1 to 2 hours. You can go overnight, but it might be uncomfortable and slippery. Be sure you’re not sleeping in your expansive silk sheets!

Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water infused with lemon, especially after removing the wrap.

Remove the wrap and cleanse the area. Take your measurements again. Many people have reported losing 1- 6 inches with the Slim & Sassy Wrap.

doTerra slim and sassy oils - @HayleyHobson - health coach, essential oil expert

Interested in learning more about the Slim and Sassy oil collection? Click here and learn about June’s special!



Saturday 24 May 2014

Start Your Own home Business

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would be working at home in my own business and having a blast while doing it!
But I have to say that I am having a blast with doTERRA. I like that there is no pressure– except for the goals I set for myself. If you desire to make it into a business, there is definitely a LOT of info available to help you do so. However, if you only want to use the oils for you and your family, that’s ok too.
These oils are something that I feel like I can absolutely stand behind in good conscience– they truly do help people, and it is so exciting to see it happen.
doterra essential oils

Why doTERRA works:

  • The products are truly amazing. I was a complete and total skeptic at first, but they made a believer out of me very quickly. It is so rewarding to give a sample to someone and have them call you a day later, so excited how it worked. The oils truly sell themselves.
  • People spend a LOT of money on healthcare, and there is a huge interest and need for safer, more effective, and more affordable health care right now. DoTERRA fills that need.
  • There are multiple ways to share the oils, so you can pick a style that fits you best. Some people like to have parties or classes, while others prefer the word-of-mouth approach.
  • It’s easy to share doTERRA through your blog, website, or social media. People can create their own accounts through your website and have the oils shipped directly to them, and you will receive the commission. My blog has been instrumental in my doTERRA success- (if you are a fellow blogger, I’d love to share my tips with you!)
  • doTERRA is a company with spectacular customer service that genuinely cares about it’s members. doTERRA is growing at an insanely fast rate, and they continue to improve their systems.
  • You can make real money doing this. I’ve been with doTERRA for barely a year, and for the first 6-7 months I did zero business building. However, in the last 6 months I’ve reached Silver rank and am supplementing my family’s income– all while staying at home with my kiddos and running a homestead. So yes, it’s doable folks!
IPC_Logo_md_colors (1)
Advantages of building with dōTERRA
  • The ability to build a team and sponsor other consultants
  • Your own personal website and back office
  • Access to exclusive trainings and information online
  • Earn up to 25% on all retail sales
  • Earn 2-7% commission on those on your team under you. (doTERRA
  • Earn a 20% bonus on anything a new consultant purchases during their first 60 days of being on your team.
  • The opportunity to qualify for special promotions and incentives (such as trips, free oils, and free tickets to exclusive events)

Advantages of Joining my doTERRA Team, especially if you're in Nigeria:

Support is key to success with doTERRA– it’s tough being a Lone Ranger.  would absolutely love to have you as a part of my team. If you sign up with me, you’ll get all of the above benefits plus:
  • Access to our private team Facebook page where my team & I are available to answer your questions about oil usage, business building, and more.
  • Access to my very knowledgeable uplines- if you have a question, we will make SURE that it gets answered!
  • Access to special team incentives and exclusive webinars.
  • The opportunity to possibly have other consultants placed underneath you by me.
  • The satisfaction of building your own business, while staying at home with your kids and/wife.
doterra family physician kit

How to Get Started

1. Sign up as an Independent Product Consultant HERE.
2. Select the kit you would like to start with (I highly recommend the Family Physician Kit) OR if you’d rather, you can just pay the $35 registration fee and start without a kit.
3. Sign up for the (optional) Loyalty Rewards Program to earn the deepest discounts as well as free product.
4. Request to join our private Facebook Team to get support on your new journey.
5. Once your oils arrive, start using them! Become a product of the product.
6. Share your experiences and samples of the oils with your family and friends.
7. Start earning enough to pay for your oils each month, and grow to earn weekly and monthly paychecks.

More about the Money Side of Things

doTERRA has a generous compensation plan that, unlike most other direct-sales companies, pays you MORE as your team grows deeper.

There are multiple ways to earn in doTERRA:

1. Earn 25% of whatever a retail customer purchases from your online store.
2. Earn up to 25% of whatever a Preferred Member on your team purchases.
3. Maintain a qualifying Loyalty Rewards order to earn Power of 3, Fast Start, and Unilevel Compensation bonuses– this is where the bulk of your paychecks will be made.
So yes, take it from me, doTERRA IS different,  and it really does work. ;)
And keep in mind– even though the business-side is exciting and fun, the greatest pay-off comes in seeing how the oils have impacted others and changed lives– that is absolutely the great payoff of all.

Friday 28 March 2014

The Healing Power of Essential Oils

I just want to share some amazing photos and a story with you that was shared with me by a friend this past year.

Her young son was out riding his bike and fell while going downhill on a gravelly road.  He was pretty torn up as you can see from the photos and after a trip to the ER was told that there could be possible surgery to clean out the gravel.


Mom came to the rescue with doTERRA essential oils, specifically the “Owie Spray”.  This mom keeps a bottle of ‘Owie Spray’ (recipe below) to use for any kinds of cuts, scrapes, bumps and bruises.  Her kids will run to use it whenever needed.  The only treatment that he received after the ER was multiple applications of this spray – about 3 – 4 times per day.  This little guy was not on any pain medication either. Look at the progression below from day 1 through the final photo at day 7.

Healing_face_photo1The photos show the healing process in order from left to right.  Most notable are the last three pictures on the right–they are day 4, day 6, and day 7 respectively.

Pretty Incredible, right?  His mom told me recently that there is no scarring and he is completely healed!  It seems hard to believe, but this is an amazing, true example of the incredible healing that comes with the aid of doTERRA essential oils.  My grandma (and probably yours too) always used to say, “The proof is in the pudding!”  Try it and see.  Plain and simple.


Here’s the recipe:

1- A 2 oz glass bottle (see link on our page to Aroma Tools & My Oil Business where you can purchase these bottles) Oils are best used in glass.

2- The oils – 10 to 20 drops of each:

Frankincense1Frankincense – the miracle oil – a wonderful anti inflammatory and great for trauma.

Lavender1Lavender – gentle enough for kids and sensitive skin issues like burns, cuts or abrasions , also calming so it’s a great idea to diffuse or let the child smell the oil as well.

Melaleuca1Melaleuca – documented to kill many bacteria, viruses, and fungi on contact so it is excellent for cuts, wounds, burns, and anywhere that bacteria might be found. It has a historical use as an antiseptic for the face, skin disorders including acne, and dandruff as well.

3- Filled the rest of the way with Fractionated coconut oilfractionated_cocunut_oil3dōTERRA®’s Fractionated Coconut Oil is an all-natural carrier oil that readily absorbs into the skin making it an ideal oil for topical therapies. Its feather-light emollient effect provides a soothing barrier without clogging pores and is excellent for dry or troubled skin. It leaves skin feeling silky smooth, not greasy like other vegetable carrier oils. It is completely soluble with all essential oils and is colorless, odorless, and will not stain or go rancid. For topical use.

We now keep a bottle stocked in our house as well! I love the incredible healing power of these Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils!

Culled from

Friday 21 February 2014


Adding herbs into our meals daily can help sort out those pesky digestive issues. Take a look.

1. Ginger promotes digestion by stimulating saliva.

2. Garlic has antiviral and antimicrobial properties that help protect gut immunity. 

3. Cumin helps reduce heartburn and is frequently used as a digestive aid. 

4. Cinnamon contains phytochemicals which specifically inhibit candida, or yeast, overgrowth. Cinnamon is a known carminative, meaning it helps relieve excess gas. 

Other beneficial herbs and spices include cardamom, black pepper, horseradish, oregano, thyme and sage.

Thursday 20 February 2014

When Nature Beams on Us

ONE of the most interesting and vital substances in the world is 
"the green colouring matter of plants" known as chlorophyll. Chlorophyll
 is closely related, chemically, to hemoglobin, "the red colouring matter of the 
blood". The basic difference between the two, in fact, is simply that whereas 
the molecule constituting the hemoglobin of blood contains, in addition to carbon, 
oxygen and nitrogen, the element iron, in the chlorophyll molecule magnesium is 
substituted for iron. Blood, of course, is also related to chlorophyll in function. 
Chlorophyll is the vital element in the "blood" of the plant, of plant life, serving the 
same purposes in the plants economy that hemoglobin does in higher forms of life.

How is Chlorophyll made?

"A ray of sunlight strikes the green leaf, and instantly the miracle is wrought. 
Within the plant molecule of water and carbon dioxide are torn apart-a feat 
which the chemist can accomplish only with great difficulty and expense. 
First there are only lifeless gas and water; then, presto! these elements are 
transformed into living tissue and useful energy. Oxygen is released from the
 plant to revitalize the air we breathe. Units of energy, in sugars and other 
carbohydrates, are speedily manufactured and stored within the living plant. 
Out of the process stems much of what we know as life and growth. Man 
consumes the energy as food-both in vegetables and the flesh of herbivorous 
animals. He uses it in the form of coal, oil and gas-green vegetables locked up in 
the earth for ages."
The above excerpt is from one of the earliest reports on the miracle 
of chlorophyll. As the writer pointed out at the time: "Don't be 
surprised if your doctor tells you that he has never heard of chlorophyll 
being used in this way (medicinally). But evidence of chlorophyll's
 medicinal value is most encouraging so far. Distinguished medical 
specialists report that in 1200 recorded cases they have seen chlorophyll
 combat deep-lying infections, and banish common head colds.. More 
remarkable, they say, is the way it accomplishes these things-speedily and
 effectively, with none of the harsh, irritating effects common to most 
antiseptics. Chlorophyll, the healer, is at once powerful and bland-devastating 
to germs and yet gentle to the wounded body tissues. Exactly how it works is 
still Nature's secret. To the ordinary person the phenomenon seems like green magic.
Chlorophyll, according to another scientist, is associated with the various 

oil-soluble vitamin complexes, with vitamins A, E, F and K. (Vitamin F is 
more generally referred to as UFA, the principle of the unsaturated fatty 
acids proved so essential to health, and with the enzyme phosphatase.)

Antiseptic Effects
The conditions which have been reported as responding favourably to the

administration of chlorophyll include both internal and external infections;
 simple and infected wounds and ulcerations; various skin and bone diseases,
 peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane lining the stomach cavity,
 the viscera), mouth, gum and sinus infections. Chlorophyll has also been
 used therapeutically to reduce hypertension, or high blood pressure.
Chlorophyll's antiseptic effect, in addition to its property of 
strengthening the walls of cells, may also be due in part to its
 other beneficial effects; importantly chlorophyll's ability to 
neutralize the metabolic toxin, guanidine, which could be "the 
main toxic agent in severe burns. Chlorophyll acts much quicker 
than vitamin F in treating burns. It nullifies the pain; the quicker it
 is applied after the burn the less severity, for the toxic agents are
 destroyed before they do much damage. Chlorophyll applied to 
extracted tooth sockets stops the same type of pain-the agonizing,
 irritating pain that keeps the patient awake, that is so hard to alleviate 
with narcotics."

Nutritional and Healing Properties
Commenting on the nutritional qualities of chlorophyll 

Dr. Royal Lee observes: "Another effect attributed to 
guanidine is the precipitation of calcium from blood 
serum, and it is suspected to be a cause of calcification 
of coronary arteries, diffusing in from the muscle-guanidine 
being an end product of muscle fatigue. We may consider 
that this chlorophyll complex is of much greater importance
 than heretofore suspected and that its use by races such as 
the Chinese, where arthritis and heart disease is practically
 unknown, may be a very important factor in contributing to 
the prevention of these diseases so prevalent in this country, 
where greens, if eaten at all, are generally cooked and of 
questionable quality in the first place."
In a dramatic series of experiments, made to determine 
the relative efficiency of various chlorophyll preparations as 
healing agents, in comparison with a large number of other 
substances widely used for the purpose, the chlorophyll preparations 
proved more effective than any of the other-by a wide margin.
"In summary, we note that 67 percent of all wounds treated by one

 or another preparation of chlorophyll healed more rapidly than their would seem to indicate that chlorophyll does not cause
 some biologic response in respect to stimulating cell growth which 
can be put to a useful purpose in the many problems associated with
 would healing...Of all these agents, only the chlorophyll preparations 
consistently showed any statistically significant effect in accelerating 
the healing of both traumatic and thermal (heat-caused) wounds."

Natures Miracle Medicine 
Of probability the most vital importance in its 

significance in the above experiments is the fact 
that chlorophyll increases the body's intake of oxygen, 
as the result of which the disposal of the metabolic toxin, 
carbonic acid, is facilitated with increased efficiency-up to
 twenty percent more rapidly.
Chlorophyll, much to the bafflement of early investigators, is

 inert in the test tube; that is, it has no antiseptic effects in the 
test-tube. It was not until it was realized that it operates in the
 above manner that the physiology of its activity was understood. 
Its clinical effects are largely explained by this phenomenon.
Perhaps the best indication of the tremendous potentialities of this 

substance, chlorophyll, "the green miracle," is offered in an 
experiment that took place not long ago.
In this investigation into its oxygenating properties a man was
 sealed-literally sealed-into an airtight tank, for a matter of no
 less than 57 hours. As we know, normally this would mean 
suicide, within minutes. But the man emerged from his air-tight
 chamber no worse for the experience.
The secret? Chlorophyll. The tank contained a series of tubes

 containing algae. Under the influence of batteries of lamps-what
 might be termed synthetic sunlight-the algae were activated in the
 process called photosynthesis, in which the single-celled 
plants-initiated nutrients essential to their existence, and of course,
 used in turn by higher life forms of life for their existence. The man
 breathed in the released oxygen and breathed out the metabolic 
waste product, carbon dioxide, the carbon and oxygen of which 
then become available to the plants, permitting them to product 
carbon-containing molecules-a fair exchange between plants and
 man that provide the vital essentials for both.
In Summary
Chlorophyll, in common with miracle-working vitamin C, is 

another example of the natural superiority of the contents of 
nature's wonderful medicine chest over man-synthesized products, 
i.e., safe, harmless, physiologically compatible, free of "side effects" 
-incomparably better, more effective.
It certainly appears that in our obsession with the rapid development

 of our chemistry in our laboratories we have tended to largely overlook
 the value of the products of the laboratory that was here long before our
 own laboratories. On the other hand, it must of course be realized that, 
paradoxically enough, in order to be in a position to learn the true extent of 
nature's gifts it was necessary for us to learn, through laboratory techniques,
 their nature. Chlorophyll is an outstanding example of this fact.

Healing Juices for all Ailments

All images are the property of

Healing Vegetable Juices
The following index provides information obtained after careful research and interviews with health professionals. It is merely a guide and is not intended to replace qualified medical advice, for only a trained health care professional can diagnose and treat serious illness, but it can be used alongside medical advice. 

Papaya, pineapple

Blueberry, mango, papaya, strawberry, asparagus, Brussels sprout, carrot, cucumber, dandelion, green (bell) pepper, lettuce, parsnip, spinach, turnip and turnip greens, watercress, wheatgrass

Apple, apricot, cherry, grape, lemon, lime, orange, prune, alfalfa, asparagus, beansprout, beetroot, dandelion, endive, kale, lettuce, nettle, parsley, purslane, spinach, string bean, Swiss chard, tomato, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass

Cantaloupe melon, grape, pineapple, strawberry, broccoli, carrot, celery, garlic, kale, parsley, red (bell) pepper, root ginger, spinach, spring greens (collard greens), Swiss chard, wheatgrass

Apple, cherry, prune, watermelon, beansprout, beetroot (red beet) carrot, cucumber, fennel, kale, leek, parsley, parsnip, potato, radish, spinach, sweet (bell) pepper, turnip, wheatgrass

Cranberry, lemon, orange, asparagus, cabbage, carrot, celery, kale, garlic, Kohlrabi, parsley, parsnip, radish, red Swiss chard, spinach, spring greens (collard greens), turnip, watercress, wheatgrass

Fresh Blueberries
Blueberry, cranberry, melon, peach, pear, plum, watermelon, beetroot (red beet), Brussels sprout, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, dandelion, endive, marrow (squash), nettle, onion, parsley, parsnip, purslane, tomato, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass


Grape, lemon, lime, orange, papaya, pineapple

Kiwi fruit, orange, beetroot (red beet), Brussels sprout, cabbage, cucumber, spinach, sweet (bell) pepper, wheatgrass

Alfalfa, broccoli, dandelion, parsnip, wheatgrass

Cabbage, celery, fennel, garlic, Swiss chard, turnip, wheatgrass

Apricot, citrus fruits, grape, asparagus, beetroot (red beet), broccoli, carrot, garlic, kale, parsley, parsnip, radish, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass


Cherry, citrus fruits, grape, kiwi fruit, kohlrabi, radish, spring onion (scallion)

Apple, blackberry, blackcurrant, kiwi fruit, plum, raspberry, beetroot (red beet), broccoli, cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, dandelion, garlic, green (bell) pepper, kale, onion, parsley, potato, spinach, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass

Citrus fruits, elderberry, kiwi fruit, papaya, pineapple

Beetroot (red beet), Brussels sprout, cabbage, spinach, wheatgrass

Fresh Mango Juice
Apple, apricot, cherry, elderberry, grape, lemon, lime, mango, melon, papaya, peach, pear, plum, pomegranate, prune, quince, strawberry, Brussels sprout, cabbage, celery, cucumber, dandelion, endive, leek, lettuce, potato, purslane, spinach, wheatgrass

Blackcurrant, raspberry

Citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, papaya, horseradish, onion, spring onion (scallion)

Cherry, watermelon

Apple, blackcurrant, cantaloupe melon, cranberry, lemon, papaya, pomegranate, beetroot (red beet), broccoli, carrot, celery, cucumber, green (bell) pepper, kale, parsley, spinach, spring greens (collard greens), wheatgrass

Pineapple, beetroot (red beet), broccoli, carrot, dandelion, garlic, green (bell) pepper, kale, parsley, spinach, spring greens (collard greens)

Papaya, beansprout, Brussels sprout, carrot, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, kale, lettuce, parsley, parsnip, spinach, string bean, turnip, wheatgrass

Blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, beetroot (red beet), carrot, celery, parsley, spinach

Kiwi fruit, raspberry, beansprout, Brussels sprout, onion, parsnip, potato, spinach, tomato, watercress

Grapefruit, lemon

Red Beetroot
Papaya, beetroot (red beet), carrot, cucumber, kohlrabi, nettle, potato, radish, spinach, watercress

Alfalfa, asparagus, beetroot (red beet), carrot, celery, dandelion, endive, kale, parsley, parsnip, spinach, sweet (bell) pepper, turnip, wheatgrass

Grapefruit, kiwi fruit, orange, plum, alfalfa, beans, beansprout, beetroot (red beet), broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, kale, onion, parsley, potato, red Swiss chard, root ginger, spring greens (collard greens), turnip, wheatgrass

Citrus fruits, cranberry, elderberry, grape, strawberry, beetroot (red beet), cabbage, cucumber, garlic, onion, root ginger

Cranberry, elderberry, strawberry, watermelon, beansprout, celery, cucumber, fenugreek


Apple, cherry, citrus fruits, grape, papaya. pineapple, strawberry, asparagus, carrot, celery, fennel, parsley, spinach, string bean, tomato

Grape, prune, carrot, nettle, potato, spinach, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass

Lime, alfalfa, cabbage, cucumber, kale, lettuce, spinach, sweet (bell) pepper, watercress, wheatgrass

Cabbage, carrot, cucumber, spinach

Citrus fruits, mango, pineapple, carrot, cucumber, kale, wheatgrass

Kale, parsnip, wheatgrass

Apple, cantaloupe melon, celery, dandelion, fennel, garlic, parsley, root ginger, spring greens (collard greens)

Orange, papaya, beetroot (red beet), Brussels sprout, dandelion, endive, fenugreek, parsley, purslane, spinach, spring onion (scallion), sweet (bell) pepper, turnip, wheatgrass

Alfalfa, kale, wheatgrass

Apple, cherry, citrus fruits, cranberry, grape, mango, papaya, peach, pineapple, strawberry

Lemon, lime, Brussels sprout, spinach, turnip, wheatgrass

Grapefruit, lime, pear, celery, lettuce

Beetroot (red beet)

Broccoli, leek

Carrot Juice
Apple, cranberry, grape, mango, melon, nettle, papaya, pineapple, strawberry, watermelon, alfalfa, asparagus, beetroot (red beet), Brussels sprout, cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, dandelion, fennel, parsley, spinach, tomato, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass

Beetroot (red beet), carrot, cucumber, spinach

Apple, citrus fruits, grape, mango, papaya, pear, alfalfa, asparagus, beans, beetroot (red beet), carrot, celery, dandelion, endive, fennel, kale, lettuce, parsley, parsnip, spinach, tomato, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass

Cranberry, orange, kohlrabi, radish, turnip

Blackberry, grapefruit, orange, pineapple, pomegranate, strawberry, beetroot (red beet), carrot, parsley, spinach, Swiss chard, tomato

Cherry Juice
Cherry, grapefruit, pineapple, beetroot (red beet), fennel, Swiss chard, watercress

MIGRAINE see Headache and Migraine

Strawberry, broccoli, kale, lettuce, root ginger, spinach, sweet (bell) pepper, turnip greens

Cantaloupe melon, cabbage, carrot, celery, root ginger, spinach, spring greens (collard greens), wheatgrass


Asparagus, beansprout, beetroot (red beet), carrot, celery, kale, lettuce, parsley, potato, red (bell) pepper, spinach, spring greens (collard greens), Swiss chard, watercress

Strawberry, kale, lettuce, root ginger, spinach, sweet (bell) pepper, turnip greens

Lime, asparagus, beetroot (red beet), Brussels sprout, carrot, celery, dandelion, fennel, lettuce, spinach, wheatgrass


Lemon, lime, pineapple, strawberry


Grapefruit, peach, alfalfa, kale, parsnip

Cherry, cranberry, pear, strawberry, watermelon, asparagus, beetroot (red beet), carrot, cucumber, lettuce, parsley, spinach

Citrus fruits, pineapple, strawberry, cabbage, kale, spinach, wheatgrass

Blackcurrant, elderberry, leek, onion, watercress

Apple, cherry, grape, lemon, lime, orange, strawberry, asparagus, beans, beetroot (red beet), carrot, celery, cucumber, watercress

Cherry, papaya, pineapple

Cherry, papaya, pineapple

Blackberry, citrus fruits, cranberry, grape, kiwi fruit, melon, watermelon, asparagus, beetroot (red beet), cabbage, carrot, cucumber, dandelion, endive, fennel, fenugreek, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, parsley, parsnip, purslane, radish, spinach, spring onion (scallion), string bean, sweet (bell) pepper, Swiss chard, tomato, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass

Citrus fruit, kiwi fruit, papaya, pineapple

Cantaloupe melon, grape, kiwi fruit, pineapple, strawberry, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, celery, garlic, kale, parsley, red (bell) pepper, root ginger, spinach, spring greens (collard greens), Swiss chard, wheatgrass

Beetroot (red beet) greens, broccoli, carrot, dandelion, garlic, kale, parsley, radish, res Swiss chard, root ginger, spinach, turnip greens

Strawberry, alfalfa, kohlrabi, radish

TIREDNESS see Fatigue

Grape, papaya

Mango, papaya, cabbage, carrot, kale, parsnip, potato, spinach, wheatgrass

Cranberry, garlic, leek, parsley, watercress

Grapefruit, watermelon, asparagus, carrot, potato, spinach, turnip, watercress

Fresh Strawberry Juice
Apple, cherry, citrus fruits, cranberry, grape, kiwi fruit, mango, papaya, pineapple, prune, strawberry, watermelon, alfalfa, artichoke, beansprout, beetroot (red beet), carrot, celery, cucumber, dandelion, endive, fennel, fenugreek, Jerusalem artichoke, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsley, parsnip, spinach, spring onion (scallion), tomato, turnip, watercress, wheatgrass.